The Grande Mayumba Development Company is a public-private partnership formed between the Republic of Gabon and SFM Africa Limited (SFM Africa) to consolidate and develop a forest land area of 631,100 ha and a marine area of 260,900 ha in Nyanga Province in southern Gabon. The site will be developed on the basis of an ecologically sound and economically optimal long-term land management plan, the Grande Mayumba Sustainable Development Plan, which includes the creation of new businesses in the Grande Mayumba area and a significant area explicitly set aside for conservation and community forest.
These businesses will execute integrated, inclusive, verifiable strategies for achieving social, environmental and economic sustainability in the project area through the securitisation of environmental rights and natural resource values attributable to the land. There are six primary components to the project: forestry, timber processing, agribusiness, fisheries, ecotourism and infrastructure development.