Our focus in Gabon

Our Geographical Focus

The Congo Basin – the world’s second largest tropical forest spanning six countries in Central Africa – is considered the most important global carbon sink after the Amazon.

  • Equatorial Africa

    now the world’s most important carbon sink

  • High forest, low deforestation

    Gabon 85% covered in carbon absorbing rainforest

  • Absorbs more carbon than it emits

    one of the world’s very few net sequesters of carbon

Our Geographical Focus

The Congo Basin

With the Amazon en route to becoming a net carbon emitter, the Congo Basin’s forests have become a centre of focus in terms of global climate change mitigation.

Why Gabon

Gabon, located in equatorial Africa, is host to extraordinary biodiversity with tropical forest covering more than 85% of its landscape. In 2002, 13 National Parks were created, protecting 11% of its territory and establishing the country as a leader in embedding conservation in development policy and planning. The country has been ranked as the second highest performer in Africa across a range of environmental indicators.


National parks

Forestry concessions

Grande Mayumba landscape



Petit Loango Lodge


Grande Mayumba

Atlantic Ocean

Equatorial guinea

Republic of Congo

50 km

High forest, low deforestation

Gabon is defined as a High Forest, Low Deforestation (HFLD) country; the category applying to countries with less than 0.22% deforestation per annum and over 50% forest cover. HFLD countries make a significant contribution to the conservation of global carbon stocks but are currently locked out of international climate finance due to existing carbon methodologies failing to recognise their value.

Gabon has a positive carbon sequestration position, which means that the country absorbs more carbon than it emits. This has been achieved by concerted national action to conserve the country’s forests and pioneer new models for sustainable green growth while reducing its historical dependency on oil revenues.


A natural capital superpower

  • Estimated


    deforestation per annum

  • Over

    100mt CO₂

    absorbed per annum

  • With


    tropical forest cover

- Tanguy Gahouma-Bekale, Permanent Secretary of Gabon’s National Climate Council
“More than 30 years of deliberate policy has preserved our forests. We now need to develop a carbon credit market to progress our objective of sustainable, low carbon economic development for the well-being of our people.”
- Tanguy Gahouma-Bekale, Permanent Secretary of Gabon’s National Climate Council

Learn more about us


Grande Mayumba

We hold the rights to consolidate and sustainably develop a land area of 731,000 hectares in south west Gabon.

Grande Mayumba
Grande Mayumba